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Organization of tendering, biddings, auctions

Specialists of legal company Prime legal LLC have an extensive experience in the organization and administration of tenders (auctions, competitive tenders), are listed in the State Register of Specialists on the Organization and Administration of Tenders and are qualified enough to render services in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Tender administration by a specialized organization is performed in several stages and includes:

  • Development of tender preparation, organization and administration program, selection of the method of state order placement.
  • Development of a full set of tender (competitive tender or auction) documents required for an open auction or an open competitive tender administration.
  • Publication of an official announcement on holding a tender, competitive tender or auction and other measures taken to inform the maximum number of potential tender participants.  
  • Organization of the receipt procedure of applications for participation in the auction or competitive tender, selection of tender participants.
  • Administration of a tender, determination of the tender winner.
  • Execution and signing of the contract with the tender winner.
  • Preparation of the report on tender administration.

Description of services:

Legal act regulating administration of tenders (competitive tenders, auctions)

Organization and administration of tenders (competitive tenders, auctions) for the needs of state customers in accordance with Federal Law No. 44 dated 05.04.2013, including comprehensive, organizational and technical, and legal support at all stages of the bidding.

Federal Law No. 44-ФЗ “On Contract System in the Sphere of Procurement of Goods, Works, Services for State or Municipal Needs” dated April 5, 2013

Organization and administration of tenders for procurement of goods, works, services in accordance with Federal Law No. 223 dated 18.07.2011, including:

  1. Procurements by state corporations, state-owned companies, natural monopoly entities, companies performing regulated activities in the sphere of electricity supply, gas supply, heat supply,  water supply, wastewater disposal, wastewater treatment, recycling (burial) of domestic solid waste, state unitary enterprises, municipal unitary enterprises, self-regulating institutions, and business entities with more than fifty percent of total shares in the authorized capital belonging to the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal entities.
  2. Procurement by subsidiary business entities with more than fifty percent of the total shares in the authorized capital belonging to legal entities specified in paragraph 1.
  3. Procurement by subsidiary business entities with more than fifty percent of the total shares in the authorized capital belonging to subsidiary business entities specified in paragraph 2.

Federal Law No. 223-ФЗ “On Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Particular Types of Legal Entities” dated July 18, 2011

Organization and administration of competitive tenders for the selection of a managing company for managing an apartment building.

Regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 75 “On the procedure of administration of an open competitive tender for the selection of a managing company for managing an apartment building by the local government authority” dated February 6, 2006

Organization and administration of competitive tenders for the selection of an audit company to perform annual statutory audit of accounting and financial reporting.

Federal Law No. 307-ФЗ “On Audit” dated December 30, 2008

Organization and administration of tenders for signing rental agreements, gratuitous use agreements, trust agreements, other agreements for the transfer of rights of ownership and use of state and municipal property.

Federal Law No. 135-ФЗ “On Protection of Competition” dated 26.07.2006

Decree of the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service of the Russian Federation No. 67 “On the procedure of administration of competitive tenders or auctions for signing rental agreements, gratuitous use agreements, trust agreements, other agreements for transfer of rights of ownership and use of state and municipal property, and list of types of property that is subject to signing of the abovementioned agreements by administration of bidding in the form of competitive tenders” dated 10.02.2010

Organization and administration of tenders (auctions) for the sale of state and municipal property in the procedure of privatization.

Federal Law No. 178-ФЗ “On Privatization of State and Municipal Property” dated December 21, 2001

Organization and administration of tenders (auctions) for the disposal of debtor's property.

  • Federal Law No. 229-ФЗ “On Enforcement Proceedings” dated October 2, 2007
  • Federal Law No. 102-ФЗ “On Mortgage (real estate mortgage)” dated July 16, 1998
  • Federal Law No. 2872-1 “On Pledge” dated May 29, 1992

Administration of auctions for the sale of mortgaged real estate and pledged movable property during enforcement proceedings, and tenders for the sale of pledged movable property out of court.

Regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 66 “On Rules of submission of information on auctions for the sale of mortgaged real estate and pledged movable property during enforcement proceedings, and tenders for the sale of pledged movable property out of court for placement on the Internet” dated January 30, 2013

Organization and administration of tenders (auctions) for the sale of Federal real estate by Federal state unitary enterprises.

Regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 333 “On exercise of powers by federal authorities of executive powers for the exercise of rights as the owner of property of the federal state unitary enterprise” dated 06.06.2003 (as revised on 20.06.2011, as amended on 06.04.2013)

Organization and administration of tenders (auctions) for the sale of land plots and rights for signing rental agreements of land plots.

Land Code of the Russian Federation

Organization and administration of tenders (auctions) for the right to sign agreements on development of built-up areas.

Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation

Organization and administration of tenders (competitive tenders) for the right to use subsurface plots.

Federal Law No. 2395-1 “On Subsurface Resources” dated 21.02.1992

Organization and administration of tenders (auctions) for the right to sign agreements on water use.

Water Code of the Russian Federation

Organization and administration of tenders: competitive tenders for the right to sign agreements on provision of fishery plots; auctions for the sale of the right to sign agreements on reservation of share quota of harvesting (catch) of aquatic biological resources, agreement on the use of aquatic biological resources.

Federal Law No. 166-ФЗ “On Fishing and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources” dated December 20, 2004

Organization and administration of tenders for the right to sign hunting establishment agreements.

Federal law No. 209-ФЗ “On Hunting and Preservation of Hunting Resources, and Amendments to Certain Legal Acts of the Russian Federation” dated 24.07.2009

Organization and administration of tenders for the sale of rights to sign rental agreements for forest plots and purchase and sale of forests.

Forest Code of the Russian Federation

Organization and administration of competitive tenders for the right to sign concession agreements.

Federal law No. 115-ФЗ “On Concession Agreements” dated July 21, 2005

Law firm Prime Legal LLC organizes tender administration to meet the needs of State Customers with regards to all requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of state order placement.

Tender Administration includes comprehensive organizational and technical and legal support at all stages of the bidding administration.

Our experience helps us to perform tender administration in Moscow at the highest level. Upon the client’s request, we may perform tender administration in any region of the Russian Federation.

Tender preparation and administration depends on the business of the Client and has peculiarities that will be considered by our specialists during the process of tender administration.

We offer our clients an opportunity to choose the most convenient form of cooperation, including order of comprehensive organizational and technical and legal support at all stages of the tender (competitive tender, auction) administration, or order one-off services required for tender administration.

Employees of Prime Legal LLC have an extensive experience in carrying out all measures on a high professional level in strict compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Electronic open auction administration, organization of competitive tender for the procurement of the recipients of federal budget funds are carefully planned and carried out in strict compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on state order placement.

Specialized organization for tender administration Prime legal LLC guarantees compliance with all new rules and aspects, and professional approach to order placement. We administer tenders, competitive tenders, and auctions with the needs of state customers in mind, and our specialists customize their approach to preparation and administration of each tender, competitive tender, and auction. We can offer both comprehensive tender, competitive tender, and auction turn-key administration (from preparation of documents and technical assignment, publication of announcement of tender, competitive tender, and auction administration to direct tender administration with the execution of relevant documents) and legal assistance at any stage of tender preparation or administration.

Legal company Prime Legal LLC offers documental and technical preparation for auction administration, development and approval of auction documents and their interpretation, as well as a comprehensive range of works on tender administration. Our responsible approach allows us to quickly and professionally organize auction administration in accordance with the needs of state buyers and ensure the most beneficial auction results for the buyer.

New specific aspects of work imply new organizational conditions. For public sector representatives it means an opportunity to implement a more efficient economic policy. Tender organization and administration is a method that allows not only state customers, but commercial companies as well, to procure goods and services on the most beneficial terms on the competitive basis.

We are open for cooperation and are ready to provide assistance at various stages of tender organization and administration.

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